September 12th -- John 13;1-20
Please read the passage!
Why did Jesus wash his disciples' feet? When he knew his life was nearing its end, why did he do that? It says right in the passage - to set an example. Now, that's not an example restricted to foot-washing. That is an example of how one is meant to serve. By choice, willingly, and out of love. Nobody made Jesus do it - he chose to. Jesus didn't go about it grumbling or complaining - he did it willingly. It wasn't done to later pull a "you owe me because of that..." or settle something by being able to say "now we're even..." - it was done out of love. We have chances every day to live as servants and we pass up most of them. So, try not to. Try and think of Jesus' example. Then, don't just think about it - follow it.
God bless! Shalom!
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