October 9th -- Acts 2:41-3:11
Somewhat long again, but please read it!
The believers form a community. Notice that word? COMMUNITY. The believers back then recognized how important this is to us as a body of Christ. We need to work in community. If your arms or legs decide to stop listening to your brain, you're in trouble, right? You couldn't use them. Or how about if your arms or legs decided to stop telling your brain when to feel pain? Your brain would never know to react to whatever was causing you that pain and therefore would leave your arm/leg in harm's way and never know it. If your body stopped working together, it wouldn't be nearly as useful. It couldn't do nearly as many of the things it can do when it does work together. That's just like us as the body of Christ. We are all gifted differently and need each other's gifts to make the biggest difference for God. It's not a one or two man job. It's a team job. All God's followers are one big team. Not only that, but God designed us to be in community. He warns us against too much community with unbelievers, though, as they are typically a bad influence on us and will begin to rub off on us. Who does that leave? Believers. We are called to be witnesses to unbelievers, but also called to be brothers and sisters in Christ to believers. It's easy to forget, but community is so essential to a healthy Christian walk, as well as a healthy walk with Christ, as those around you can often help you see and work through things standing between you and God. So, are you being an active part of your Christian community?
God bless! Shalom!
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