April 21st -- 1 Kings 21 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Kings%2021&version=NLT)
Naboth's vineyard
So there is a man from Jezreel named Naboth who owns a vineyard. Ahab tries to buy it from him one day, but Naboth will not give up his inheritance to the king. The king went home angry - he was so angry he would not eat and merely went to bed. Jezebel, his wife, asks what happened. Upon hearing what's wrong she tells him to get up and eat, promising she will get him the vineyard. So his wife writes and sends a letter with his forged signature and his seal, telling the leaders of Naboth's village to call the village for prayer, giving Naboth a seat of honor, but beside him have two scoundrels who will accuse him of cursing God, then he will be taken out and stoned. So the elders do this, then tell Jezebel it has been done. Jezebel tells Ahab, who goes to claim the vineyard immediately. However, God sends Elijah there to meet him, and tell him God has said that because he has robbed Naboth, after killing him, dogs will lick his blood from the same place they licked Naboth's. God also says that disaster will come upon and consume Ahab and every one of his male descendants shall be destroyed. God also says dogs will eat Jezebel's body at the city wall. He says those in Ahab's family who die in the city will be eaten by dogs and those who die outside will be eaten by vultures. When Ahab hears this, though, he tears his clothes, dresses in burlap, fasts, and mourns. Another message then came from God to Elijah. God said that because Ahab had humbled himself as he did, God would not bring about those disasters in his lifetime - it will instead happen to his sons and destroy his dynasty.
God says he will bring about these horrible things for what Ahab has done. Ahab, however, humbles himself before God upon hearing this. What happens then? God has mercy on Ahab, saying that the disaster will come about after his life instead of during it. God values justice, but he values mercy over justice. Yes, He knows justice has to be served, for He loves justice, but He also loves mercy. He knows our hearts and minds. When we truly repent, He knows that. He is glad for that and will be merciful. We should still have that healthy fear towards Him, for His love of justice, yet we may also be at peace for His love of mercy.
Sorry that's not much, but it's really all I've got for tonight.
God bless!
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