Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24th

April 24th -- 2 Kings 2:13-25 (

Elijah take into heaven (end of this section) ; Elisha's first miracles

(I accidentally included verse 13 in yesterday's so let's just pretend I didn't...)
So Elisha, after Elijah is taken up into heaven, picks up Elijah's cloak, which had been left there, and returns to the Jordan River. He strikes the water with it, crying out "Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?" and the water parts, allowing him to pass through on dry land. When the prophets who had been there saw this, they said Elijah's spirit rests now on Elisha. They go over to him and bow, saying that if he but said the word, they'd send fifty of their best men to look for Elijah. Elisha tries to say no, but the men become persistent, and Elisha finally says yes. The men search for three days and find nothing. Elijah, still at Jericho when they returned, asked if he had not told them not to go.

One day, a town leader went to visit Elisha, telling him that their was a problem because the surroundings are pleasant, but the water was bad and the land was unproductive. Elisha tells them to bring him a new bowl with salt in it, and when they bring it, he goes to the spring that supplies the town and threw the salt into it. He said "This is what the Lord says: I have purified this water. It will no longer cause death or infertility." The water remained pure after that, as Elisha said. Elisha then leaves Jericho for Bethel. As he does this, a group of boys from the town mock him, shouting "Go away, baldy!" Elisha turns, looks at them, and curses them in the name of the Lord. Two bears then came from the woods and mauled 42 of them. Elisha than goes from there to Mount Carmel, finally later returning to Samaria.

I think what jumps out to me in this is the fact that Elisha's just getting started in being a missionary for God, but God's already working miracles through him. God doesn't set a timeline on us. He doesn't say "Oh, looks like it's been _ years since they've been converted to Christianity - guess I can start stepping up their place in My ministry a bit!" Instead, He looks at our hearts and says "They have a willing heart. They have only believed for a week, but I can use them just how they are, because they really want to be used to bring people to Me." So never think you haven't been saved long enough to make any difference. Your length of time as a believer has no effect on how well you can be used for God. God doesn't wait to begin His work in us when we ask Him in. He's like a house renovator, but different in a way. When you get your house renovated, you normally have many meeting with the renovator and look over pictures done by computer of what each room will look like when it's done. You know exactly what you're getting into before you sign up, and the renovator runs everything by you before doing it. God's like the renovator who can see that you want your house changed, so He comes along and gives a brief description of how nice it will look when it's done. If you agree, He goes in and just starts working right away. He doesn't show you plans, or loads of computer-done pictures of finished products, nor does He consult you with every minute detail - He just does His work, and without hesitation. God knows exactly how He can best use us. Why would He wait to do that? When we truly want to be used for His kingdom, He won't wait. The question is not "When can I be used to glorify God", but rather " Am I willing to do what it may take to be used to glorify God?"

Well, that will be all! God bless! Shalom!

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