February 18th -- Numbers 12:1-16 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2012&version=NLT)
Aaron and Miriam's complaints.
So Moses, before where we are now in the Bible storyline, had married a Cushite woman, which left Miriam and Aaron rather unimpressed. They remarked that yes, God has spoken through Moses, but hadn't He also spoken through them? God, though, hears them.
God calls the three of them (Moses, Aaron, and Miriam) to the Tabernacle. When they arrive He descends on the Tabernacle in a pillar of cloud and calls Aaron and Miriam forward. God demands of them why they would criticize Moses, when he is the one who God trusts and speaks with face-to-face. God was angry, so He left, leaving Miriam with leprosy. Aaron is horrified and pleads with Moses not to punish them. Moses begs God, and God tells Moses that it will only last for seven days, so they must keep her out of the camp for seven days and then she may return. So everyone waited the seven days while Miriam was outside camp and then after the seven days they began travelling again.
Now, this is a perfect example of how dangerous jealousy can be. Really, what it comes down to, it seems, is that Aaron and Miriam seem to be jealous of Moses, for he is so recognized and they are not, though God has spoken through them, too. Also, Moses seems to be favored by God, as they have spoken face to face. I think Aaron and Miriam were just feeling a little underappreciated, like when the one start member of a sports team takes all the credit and the other members end up getting jealous.
Also, it seems that they were doubting Moses because of his choice to marry a Cushite woman. Really, this goes to show how important it is that we remember we are only in charge of our own lives and choices - everyone else's are their own business, and if they do wrong by God, they will have to be the ones to take it up with Him. We should not criticize them for their choices, like Miriam and Aaron did to Moses for his. God doesn't like it when we do.
So, um, I think that's all.... God bless!
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