February 3rd -- Exodus 4:1-17 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%204:1-17&version=NLT)
Sign's of the Lord's power.
So, continuing from before, Moses kept arguing with God about being sent to lead Israel's people out of slavery. He asks what he will do if thye don't believe him, and God tells him to throw his staff on the ground. When Moses does, it becomes a snake! THAT is honestly SO cool! Like, the staff just becomes a SNAKE! I wouldn't need any more convincing after that, personally. XD Actually, I may not have needed more after the bush. And then, to make it better, if you grab the tail it goes right back to a normal staff again!
So, God says to do that and they will believe him. Then God tells him to put his hand in his coat, and when he pulls it out, it's diseased. Yet when he repeats it, it is healthy again. Again - SO cool! God says that just in case that doesn't convince them, take water from the Nile, and pour it on the ground, and it'll become blood. Once more - SO cool!
Yet, Moses still pleads. I do honestly kind of get where he's coming from, because he's worried they'll laugh because he stutters, and nobody likes risking being made a fool of. God tells him to go anyways, because He made Moses' mouth and will be pleased with how he speaks with it. Yet Moses still protests, and God finally says He will send along Aaron, and Moses will tell Aaron what to say and Aaron will speak it.
Now, I have always liked this passage. I think it's just because those signs are pretty awesome. I mean, I'd love to see those signs performed nowadays, and have scientists explain them scientifically. That'd be entertaining to watch them as their theories and "fact" shattered before their very eyes.
Anyhoo, that's all for tonight, folks!
God bless!
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