February 4th -- Exodus 5 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%205&version=NLT)
Moses and Aaron speak to Pharoah AND Making bricks without straw
So Moses and Aaron, after gaining the support of Israel's leaders, go to Pharaoh and tell him God has demanded he let the people of Israel, His people, go. Pharoah claims, though, that He does not know and so he will not. Aaron and Moses continue to plead and ask for three days to go out and sacrifice and then return, so God will not kill them. However, Pharaoh basically tells them they're keeping people from work, so scram.
Pharaoh then goes and tells the Egyptian slave drivers to stop supplying straw and let the Israelites who make bricks get it themselves. He thinks they are being lazy by asking to go sacrifice, so he is putting a greater workload on them. After the Israelites could not make enough, some approached Pharaoh, who told them they were just being lazy. I, personally, would have loved to see Pharaoh attempting to do what he was demanding the Israelites, or even have one the slave drivers try. I don't know if it was out of cruelty or ignorance that he thought they were being lazy.
Now, poor Moses gets the brunt of it - everyone gets mad at him because they think he brought it on them all by asking to go sacrifice. I don't really find that fair, as just before they agreed he should go to Pharaoh because it was clear God had sent it to them. This is one of those times where "don't shoot the messenger" comes into play.
Anyways, Moses, of course, then cries out to God and asks why He has let Pharaoh become harsher on His people. I can understand Moses confusion. After all his protests, God still insists he must go to rescue the Israelites. When he finally goes, though, things just get worse. That seems backwards. Having read the rest of the story, we know how it all works out, but I can say that in that situation Moses was in, I also would have been very confused.
I believe that shall be all for today!
God bless!
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