Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16th

June 16th -- John 1:19-34 (

Go read!

Y'know, I sometimes feel bad for John. People thought he was crazy. Then he began talking about a Messiah, and they thought he was even crazier. Then he tells the Pharisees he watched the Holy Spirit descend from the sky as a dove, and land on Jesus. He wasn't really making himself a very popular guy. But that's not the point. He was doing his job - preparing the way for Jesus' coming. Now, our job isn't to prepare the way for Jesus' coming... but it is to prepare the way for Jesus' return. So, it's not about to make us popular or liked... in fact it probably won't even make us respected. We need to do it anyways. Why? That's our job. That's the job God gave us. We could argue forever with Him, but it's still gonna' be our job at the end of each day. We need to prepare the way for his return, because I don't know about anyone else, but the thought of a single family member or friend spending eternity in hell because I never shared God with them rather horrifies me. Suddenly popularity doesn't seem so important. In the end, the only thing that will matter, is what you and God will be saying when you face Him after it all. Personally, I'd like to hear a "Good job, my child, for spreading my Good News."

God bless y'all! Shalom!

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