Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17th

June 17th -- John 1:35-51 (

Go read, please!

This passage makes me think, again, of the passage where people were getting baptized before Jesus showed up on earth. These men just up and followed Jesus, based on word-of-mouth that he was who he claimed to be. Admittedly, though, these guys did get a bit more proof. Jesus already knows about Nathanael and he saw him from way farther than any normal person would have been able to. When Nathanael is shocked at this Jesus promises him he will see many greater things, including angels going up and down between heaven and earth. So, yeah, they maybe had some proof and promises. You know what? SO. DO. WE. Promises first. Well, just look at the Bible folks. Two of my favorites are Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 121:1-2 (yes, it is kind of a promise, that the God who made Heaven and earth is the One who will help me). Proof? HAVE YOU LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW? We live in an amazingly complex world, and the idea it came about by chance is insane - it was all handcrafted by an almighty God. I mean, do we need more proof than the fact that we have bodies that wake us up refreshed after a good sleep, and go on to continue working day-by-day with billions of complex things happening inside of it? I'd hope not. We just have to talk it all at face value, and accept it. Like children, as Jesus later says - we have to be child-like (I'll discuss that when I get there, don't worry).

That's all for tonight! God bless! Shalom!

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