June 25th -- Luke 5:1-39 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%205:1-39&version=NLT)
Please go read the passage!
This passage has probably one of my favorite Biblical reminders ever in it. Verses 31-31 say "Jesus answered them, 'Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." This was in response to his being accused because he was hanging out with people like tax collectors, who were seen as obvious sinners. See, I like that he compares himself to a doctor, and sinners to sick people. When sick people go in to the doctor's, they see the doctor, and they are around each other as they determine the illness and how to fix it. However, after the ill person leaves, nobody accuses the doctor of being ill. The doctor is sort of seen as untouchable in a way - no matter who he is around he's always fine. Yet, he's always around those we'd often choose not to be around, because they are sick. Jesus is a lot like the doctor in this case. We are the sick, due to our sin, and therefore all need Jesus. Jesus was meant to be around us, so that he could heal us. However, no matter how much he is around us, he's "untouchable" - he's always clean and healthy and fine no matter how long he spends with us. I think we also need to understand, sometimes, that as God's light to the world we need to be a bit like that. We should still take precaution, and obviously still avoid some people, so as to ensure they don't rub off on us, because we're not perfect like Jesus. However, we still need to be like his nurses, and do what we can for people. We just try and help, and when we no longer can, hope they'll listen to us and head to the doctor. Basically, it's our job not to do it all, but to help at the very least. So don't be afraid if you are judged for your friends - remember that so long as they aren't putting out your light for God, you're shining God's light into their lives, and that could very well change them.
That's all for tonight! God bless! Shalom!
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