Monday, August 12, 2013

August 11th

Read the passage, please!

Wow. Scary thought. Many who try to enter will fail. To think of even not being able to get in… but trying one day and being turned away, leaving only hell… it’s a horribly scary thought. Now, Jesus says it is a narrow door to the Kingdom of Heaven. It makes me think of the passage about the road to life being narrow, but the road to death being wide. Getting in is not easy. It IS worth it, but it ISN’T easy. And the wide road is far more tempting. That’s why so many take it. But the scary thought is that Jesus says there will be some who arrive and claim to know God but He will say He never knew them. The thought is seriously absolutely terrifying. I want to get to those gates and hear “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or, “welcome, my daughter.” I don’t want to hear that He never knew me. I think that that’s the “fear of the Lord” we are supposed to have. We are supposed to be fearful of His judgement. We also need to love his mercy, though. That’s why some at all will be able to enter – without His mercy, none could. But I know the idea of reaching those gates and having God say He never knew me is a lot of why I try so hard (even though I do fail often) to be a good follower of Him and light into the world for Him. I know that the narrow way is hard, and sometimes the wide road would be more fun for my human nature, but I know that in the end the narrow road, though hard, is the only road that’s worth it. That’s why I’m trying. That’s why I hope you are, too.

That’s all for tonight! God bless! Shalom!

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