July 31st -- Luke 10:1-24 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2010:1-24&version=NLT)
Go read the passage, please!
I personally find this quite an interesting passage. So often I think we tend to, on small- or large-scale focuses, not give up on any place that will not accept God's message. That's not how it should be, though. Some places simply will not hear the Good News and accept it. Jesus even says at one point in verse 21, while praying, "thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike." This acknowledges that it is indeed hidden to some people. Not all people will hear the news and accept it. Jesus says here that those who have heard but will not accept have rejected him and God. He tells the disciples that in those places they are to leave, even shaking the dust of the place from their soles of their shoes as they do. That was their way to show that they have washed their hands of them, similar to how Caesar washed his hands when Jesus and Barabbas were on trial. So, though we are called to spread the Good News, it is our job to tell but not to force to accept. Where we are not welcome, God is also not welcome, and we are to leave those places to their fate if we have tried and they have not listened. Spending all one's time and energy telling the Good News to those who won't listen is a waste - like casting pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6 - so look into Matthew 7 for more thoughts on it).
That's all! God bless! Shalom!
P.S. This is late because of my camping trip. I posted a notice. They'll all be late for a while. Posting 2 a day 'til I'm caught up.
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