May 17th -- Psalm 139 (
Not summarizing - please go read using the link or your Bible. Thank you.
This passage is just wonderful. Overall, but definitely on a very personal note right now. See, in chapel at school today, we watched a Louis Giglio video from the "How Great is our God" series. Can I just say that by the end my head was hurting at trying to take in the expanse of the heavens God breathed into existence. Yes, BREATHED. A God who breathes stars and makes galaxies knows us each and cares. We cannot escape Him, and He will always support us. It also talks about how He knit us together in our mother's womb. This is the guy who runs EVERYTHING, yet He made sure to be there to make sure you got put together right. That's a hugely impossible task by human standards - I mean have you SEEN how complex the human body is? Also, look at verse 17. His thoughts about us cannot be numbered. It's not like He drops in, puts us together, then leaves like "here, you're on your own from here, kid!" He's always thinking about us, in the most loving way possible. Then at the end it it ends with (verses 23-24) asking God to search out our heart and test us, then point out our sin and help us to follow His everlasting path. Those verses... just hit me hard personally. I tend to find that I don't really have any "monsters in the closet" (meaning any secret addictions or anything), but I know I still have sin in my life. I often pray that God will help me see those areas in which I often struggle, so that I can fix that for His glory. He's been doing that. Sure I hate seeing that sort of thing in me (those sins, I mean), but it's better painfully uprooted than left to slowly creep in until it is too late to keep it from festering and destroying you slowly.
That shall be all, as I am super sleepy from being back so late from Overflow. So God bless! Shalom!
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