Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 18th

May 18th -- Psalm 145 (

Please go read it using the link or in your Bible. I am not gonna' summarize it, because Psalms just can't be summarized well at all.

This passage is all full-out praising God. It says that "I" (referring to David, whose Psalm it is) will exalt the Lord, talking about how His greatness cannot be measured. Then, like yesterday, some reasons are given. It talks about how God is merciful and compassionate. It says that His children will praise Him and people will speak of His mightiness and He will rule all generations. Now, it then goes on to talk more about God. One thing it mentions is that it says "The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads. The eyes if all look to you in hope;". Now, at Overflow, (I will probably put up a big post - or a bunch of smaller posts - about it tomorrow or Monday on my personal blog - ) we talked this morning about enduring hope. God/Jesus is the source - the only source of the enduring hope. Our God is so incredible... and SO powerful... beyond our comprehension... yet He loves us.

Verse 21 "I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless His holy name forever and ever."

God bless you all. Shalom!

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