Friday, May 31, 2013

May 30th

May 30th -- Daniel 2:25-49

Please feel free to go read, so my comments make sense.

I like, might I say, that Daniel points out that is it not because he is wiser that he knows the meaning, but that his God is wiser and has told him. It would have been so incredibly easy for Daniel to take advantage of that moment. I mean, the king thinks highly of his magicians and such, which is why he called them first to learn the meaning of the dream. They let him down, though. Then Daniel comes in and tells him not only the meaning but also what he dreamt. This king is astounded. Daniel could have easily had his moment and been all "Thank you! Thank you! It was a pleasure performing one of my many talents for you!" and taken all the fame for it. This would have put him in favour with the king, benefitting his safety and comfort greatly. Yet, he humbled himself and remembered he was only the vessel, and the message was all God. Often, I think the saying "Pride comes before the fall" is incredibly true. Looking back to the post for yesterday, where we looked at how Satan used to be one of the three top angels of God, we see this truth demonstrated. See, Lucifer (aka Satan) became prideful, thinking he should be equals with God. This is what led to his being banished (with his 1/3 of angels) to hell. Pride literally came before the fall -  it has since the beginning. So when we receive praise, where do we point it? To us, or to God? Think on it. Don't let yourself fall because you never saw yourself stumble.

God bless! Shalom!

P.S. Yes, this post is a day late. As I explained on the post for yesterday I was out late that night for some presentations at my school, and by the time I got home I lacked the time and energy to do my Bible Study. I'm catching up tonight.

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