Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22nd

May 22nd - Isaiah 6 (

Isaiah's cleansing and call.

In the year King Uzziah dies, Isaiah sees the Lord. He says He was on a throne, and his robe's train filled the temple. He was attended by seraphim, with six wings each (two over their face, two over their feet, and two to fly with). They called out, calling God holy, and their voices shook the temple and everything was filled with smoke. Isaiah assumed he was doomed, then, for he was a sinner (he particularly focuses on having "filthy lips" _and yet had seen God, but a seraphim brought a burning coal, touched it to his lips, and said his sins were then forgiven. Then God asked who He should send as a messenger, and Isaiah volunteered. God gives him a message to deliver to the people, that they will not hear nor understand God, and harden their hearts to Him. Isaiah asks how long this will go for. God tells him it will be until they have been scattered until Israel's land is deserted - but it's stump will be like a holy seed.

Can you just imagine seeing seraphim? Like, not even visualizing them as they are described, but actually, physically seeing them? It would be CRAZY. But, like, awesome crazy. Angels with six wings. Hearing them sing, too... it makes me shiver just thinking about it.
Now, on the other hand, imagine getting the message Isaiah got. I mean, he volunteers for the position. He's like Donkey in Shrek - "Oh! Pick me! Pick me!". Yet, when he got the position by hearing the message, I bet he probably started to think "What did I just get myself into....." (this is shown by his questioning about the events the messages speaks on). Yet, Isaiah doesn't back down. Why? Probably because he recognizes that God's way may not make sense to us, or seem good from our standpoint, but God's way is always best - if we saw from His same eternal perspective we'd understand that. We don't though, so we need to trust and accept.

That's all. God bless! Shalom!

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