January 10th -- Genesis 18:1-15 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2018:1-15&version=NLT)
So today/tonight's the story of how God promised Sarah (Abraham's wife) a child despite her and her husband's old age.
I find it interesting how this story starts with Abraham serving 3 random men who appeared while he was outside one day. I notice he says, to the three of them "my lord" which is singular.
Also, another random thing I notice is that he tells them to rest for a bit, and then just makes bread and has a servant prepare a calf as if it's so common to just go kill and cook a cow when someone stops in for lunch.... Sorry, I just find it odd how it's written to casually when it's absurd to think of (in my opinion at least).
So. Sarah laughs when she hears one of the men say he'll be back in a year when she will be having a child... and then God asks her husband why, but Sarah denies she did. I just find it interesting firstly that God confronted Abraham for it - she laughed not him. I also find it odd that in a way it was like God expected Sarah to know it wasn't just a man who stopped being random, but it was Him. I think I'd have laughed in her shoes, too, if some random guy showed up when I'm like 60 (or just basically too old to have kids anymore) and said I was gonna' have a kid in a year. My first thought would not be God unless He spoke it to me Himself out of the sky or something.... just my thoughts.
That's all, as I am quite exhausted and need to go get some sleep.
God bless! :)
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