Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 19th

January 19th -- Genesis 29:14-30 (

Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

Too me, this firstly comes off as a bit of a love story. Jacob loved Rachel enough he agreed to work seven years with no pay for her hand. Laban tricked him, and married of Leah to him instead, saying Jacob could have Rachel also IF he stayed and worked another seven years. Jacob was so in love he agreed to stay and work seven more years for her. Personally, I find that quite adorable. The fact that he's was willing to work fourteen years of hard work with no pay to spend his life with Rachel is absolutely adorable. ♥ I think that he's definetly one of the better Biblical examples for guys to look at. You know your love is real when _____.

I also think this is a brief lesson that sometimes what goes around does come around (not karma, just God knows how to teach us lessons). Jacob went ahead and tricked Esau and his father. Then he ended up being the one tricked by Laban. He didn't feel so great once the position was reversed. It's just a lesson that we need to be wary of how our action's affect otherwise and how we would feel if the situation was reversed.

May I also briefly throw in I feel kind of bad for Leah. I mean, it's not like Jacob hid his outrage that he had married her - she must've been a little put out he wasn't at least okay with it....

P.S. I realize this post was a day late - Last night/this morning I was up until 2am. Until around 1 was me working on final projects for school, and then a friend texted me because her uncle had just passed so I was up comforting her for a while. After that I was exhausted and resolved to do this post today. I'll put up today's in just over an hour once my show's over!

God bless!

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