Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13th

January 13th -- Genesis 22:1-19 (

This is the story about Abraham and Isaac -when God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. I love and despise this story at the same time...

First thing I notice: In verse 3 "The next morning".... okay, THE NEXT MORNING. God told him to sacrifice his only son - he didn't even put it off, he got started to the mountain the next morning.

Also, in verse 8, upon Isaac's asking where the sheep is for the offering, Abraham manages not to break down, but instead tell him God will provide the lamb... that, I can imagine, takes a heck of a lot of strength to do.

Then in verse 10 and 11, Abraham comes within seconds of killing his son as God had asked him too before the angel came down. Now, okay, I really doubt I could come within seconds of killing my own child (God-willing I get married and have some). I especially do not think I could do on a three day (my study bible has a note saying it was three days) travel leading up to it. Even if God had told me to do it, I cannot imagine the trust in God it would take to follow through all that way... even if He stopped me in the end. Abraham had no assurance that an angel would stop him - he merely trusted and did as God commanded. Now, if he had gone through with it, imagine the repurcussions other than having lost his son - imagine the reaction of his wife and his serveants as well as his friends, for he could have easily been considered a murdered. With even all that stacked against him, he followed through because God told him to.

I frequently pray for a character more like that of Abraham - that I would be more willing and able to do exactly what God clearly asks without making up excuses and no matter what doubts I may have because of whatever may happen to me for doing it.... I can say I have gotten better about it, but I still am nowhere near the level God has commanded all his followers to be at.

That's all folks!
God bless you!!!!

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