January 4th -- Genesis 6:9-22 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%206:9-22&version=NLT)
So, this is basically the story of Noah. Yeah, the one I think we all heard a bajillion times in Sunday School with the big boat (ark, more specifically) and lots of animals (two of every kind - one male and one female).
One of the first things that always stands out to me in this story is - Why Noah? I mean, if 'everyone on earth was corrupt" as verse 12 says, then why keep Noah and not just start over? Also, why Noah and not someone else? It just makes me want to meet Noah, y'know? Sit down and have tea with him or something just to talk to the man who God chose to restart humanity in a way.
Now, the second thing that stands out to me was how dedicated Noah was - and maybe that was why God chose Him. I can't speak for anyone else, but I can say if a voice from the sky told me to build a huge boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high and then also gather a pair of every animal on earth because the earth was gonna' be wiped out by a flood, I think I'd be a little hesitant. I doubt I'd just agree and do it without asking some major questions.
Finally, one of my really random thoughts - WHAT DID THEY DO ON A BOAT FOR 40 DAYS TO NOT GET BORED. They had no sort of entertainment like we do. I think I'd go insane - I honestly think I might. But that's a totally not-Bible-related thought haha.
That's all for tonight :)
God bless! :)
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