January 20th -- Genesis 32:1-33:16 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2032:1-33:16&version=NLT)
So firstly angels show up to Jacob, which seems just to be to let him know God is with him. Then he finds out shortly after that his brother is bringing an army to him, so he splits his camps so if one is attacked the other will still live. Then he decides to send gifts to appease him.
So then we have Jacob on his own because he sent his camp across the river. A man shows up and they restle. They end up in basically a stalemate, and the man asks to be let go. Jacob says he won't let him go unless he blesses him. Jacob is blessed and also gets a name change to Israel.
Then Jacob goes to face Esau. Esau in fact runs to him and they both start crying they are so glad to be reunited. Now, they parted on bad terms. It just goes to show that God can heal all relationships if He wants them to be healed. Esau also tells Jacob to keep his gifts, because he has enough, but Jacob eventually convinces him to take it.
Jacob sends Esau along back home, and then catches up slowly at his own pace.
I think this story is just a great example of God's being faithful. Esau set out with an army to face Jacob, and in the end they acted as if nothing had happened. It's beautiful to watch God restore relationships.
That's all for today!
God bless!
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