Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15th

February 15th - Exodus 20:1-22 (

Ten Commandments for the Covenant Community

These are:
1) You will not worship/serve/follow any God before God.
2) You will not make or worship any idol of any kind, or the children from even the third and fourth
3) You must not misuse God's name.
4) Continue to observe the Sabbath day - do not do any work on the Sabbath day.
5) Honor your parents.
6) Do not murder
7) Do not commit adultery
8) Do not steal
9) Do not testify falsely (or, basically. don't lie)
10) Do not covet anything that belongs to someone else (covet meaning desire possession of - so basically don't be jealous of/envy other people's things but be happy with what God has blessed you with).

I think we've all basically heard these before. However, I find the fourth one has become quite a debated one nowadays. Many people do work on Sundays. I mean, especially because back then they weren't even supposed to cook anything because that was considered work. So really we're all guilty of working on Sundays. However, some people argue it is okay because the Old Testamant laws were replaced with the new laws Christ put in place when He came. Now, I guess becuase I do do work on Sundays, I'd love to think those people are right, but I really don't know.
Also, I find the tenth one interesting. It's a sin to so much as be jealous of what other people have. Sounds extreme at first, but put it this way: You have two kids. You give your son $40 for his birthday because you didn't know what to buy him, and you give your daughter the equivalent value of that in things she asked for. She complains that she wants what he got instead. She should be glad to have gotten when she did, shouldn't she? Right. You'd be a little annoyed probably. Now imagine how God must feel when we whine about our lives. He sent His son to die for us - we DESERVE Hell but he gave us the chance of Heaven and an eternity with Him. He also blessed us with life, the food and clothes we have, a house, internet, family and friends, and I could keep going but that I think is enough. My point is, we are so blessed but look at other people and go "I wish I had their house" or "I wish I had their job" or even "I wish I had their body/figure". We must be quite whiny in God's ears/eyes. Thank goodness He loves no matter or we'd all be in trouble.

Well, I think that shall be all.
God bless!

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