Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 6th

February 6th -- Exodus 7:1-14 (

Aaron's staff becomes a serpent

So God tells Moses to get Aaron to repeat everything he says. However, Pharaoh will still not listen, so God will then punish him for that. However, for the time, He wanted them to go consult Pharaoh still. He told them Pharaoh would ask to see a miracle. When he did, Aaron was to throw down his staff and it would become a serpent.

When Moses and Aaron came before Pharaoh, they did as God commanded them to. When Aaron threw down his staff, it did indeed become a serpent. However, Pharaoh called in some of his magicians and such, and they repeated the trick. So, Pharaoh didn't listen, even though Aaron's staff ate those of Pharaoh's men.

God said that Pharaoh was still not going to let them go.

Now, I think perhaps it just puzzles me as to how Pharaoh's men accomplished the same trick. They did not have God on their side, so did they perhaps have the devil, or demons at the least, helping them in order to copy what Aaron did? That's really one of the only logical answers I can see. I know that witchcraft is in fact real, though horribly evil. Because it is seen as so evil, I figure it must involve demons/the devil. Just food for thought, and something I shall have to look into more when I have time.

That's all for tonight.
God bless!

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