Monday, February 18, 2013

February 17th

February 17th -- Exodus 40 (

The Tabernacle is built and the Lord's presence fills it.

God commands Moses to set up the Tabernacle on the first day of the new year, place the Ark of the Covenant inside, and put up a curtain to enclose the Most Holy Place that has the Ark. Then he is to set up the rest of it (tables and lamps for example). God gives him very specific instructions on how to do all this (I don't feel like repeating them all).

After the Tabenacle is set up, Moses is to present Aaron and his sons,wash them, dress them in special garments (different for Aaron and his sons), consecrate them, then anoint them. Then Aaron and his descendants will forever be set apart for priesthood. Moses did all this.

On the second day of the first month of the second year, Moses sets up the Tabernacle again. He took the stone tablets with the covenant's terms and put them inside the Ark of the Covenant. He then set up the Ark and curtain (to separate the Most Holy Place) as God had commanded him. He also set up the rest of the Tabernacle like God had commanded, being sure of all the specifics.

When Moses was down, a cloud came and covered the Tabernacle and God's glory filled it. Moses couldn't even enter it because of the cloud covered it and God's glory had filled it. The cloud would stay until the people of Israel were meant to travel again, and then they would follow the cloud. The cloud was there by day, but at night fire glowed in it so everyone could see it. This happened the whole time they journeyed.

I just find the cloud part of this so cool. I mean, imagine seeing a symbol of God's glory, and watching fire burn in a cloud to make it glow at night. It's incredible. We really do have just such as incredible God...

Uhm, not much of my own thoughts, but that'll be all.
God bless!

P.S. This was indeed a day late - not really an excuse but I wasn't home until later from my cousin's birthday party, then my family's show we watch together was on, and by the time I had time for this, it had completely slipped my mind. Today's post will be up later today. :)

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