Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17th

September 17th -- John 15:17-16:4

Please read the passage! It looks long but it's not really!

Now,  this warning may seem irrelevant, right? It was thousands of years ago to the people actually with Jesus on earth.
Wrong. It's still relevant.
People today are still gonna' hate you for your faith because they have also rejected God in their hearts. The rejection we face today is just as real as that which the disciples faced back then. Yes, the outcome nowadays isn't as severe most of the time (you don't see people being stoned in downtown Toronto for preaching the gospel, whereas in Bible times public stonings would occur) but the rejection is still rejection.
You will be laughed at for your faith.
You will be teased for your faith.
You will be isolated for your faith.
You will be stereotyped for your faith.
YOU WILL BE REJECTED for your faith.
Jesus warns us of this so it wouldn't be a huge shock when it happened. SO remember that. It will happen. Just be ready to accept it and move on when it does.

God bless! Shalom!

P.S. Yes this is short. I'm exhausted. On a personal note I have a lot going on. School, 2 part-time jobs, and some major family health problems (like hospital trips and constant care needed). So if my blogs are short for a while, that's why. I just haven't been sleeping much because of it all and I've been rather distracted. Just keeping y'all in the loop. Thanks.

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