Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20th

June 20th -- John 3:22-36 (

Please go read the passage!

I think we all need to be a bit more like John the Baptist in a lot of ways. I'm not talking the whole camel hair clothes and locusts with honey meals... *shudder* I think I'll keep my cotton clothes and ice cream, thanks...   I'm talking about, specifically for this passage, the (where 'He' refers to God) "He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." It's so easy to, in this world, get caught up in ourselves. I mean, our own egos are egged on constantly. This can be by friends, family, or even commercials that assure you "you deserve the best". May I just remind you plainly and simply that we are all broken, messed up, underserving sinners, and what we deserve is to burn eternally in the fires of Hell? Yeah. Puts things back into perspective a bit, right? We're not all that great. We're really not great at all. But you know who is? Well, the reason we're not burning eternally in Hell - God. God is great - so great He is beyond our understanding. He is seriously beyond words. So He needs to be greater, and we need to be less, because we are not great, and should not try and make people think we are - He is great and we need to show people that. We are image-bearers of God. How have you been bearing His?

That song "This little light of mine". Yeah, well, think on it. "I'm gonna' let it shine!" You need to. Let it shine. Let it shine so brightly. And never let anyone put it out. You're the only one who can cover it in the end, so don't. LET. THAT. LIGHT. SHINE.

That shall be all for tonight, folks. Enjoy having "This Little Light of Mine" stuck in your head all night. :) God bless! Shalom!

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