Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3rd

June 3rd -- Jonah 1:1-2:10 (

Please go read!

Jonah was thrown overboard for his sin of running from God. Why? It was causing trouble for people who had done nothing to deserve it. Often, we don't realize the trouble it may bring to those around us when we secretly, or more so openly, involve them in something that wrongs God (such as running from Him, or any other sin). Let's say you're someone who would NEVER go near drugs or alcohol. You get invited to a party, and figure it's fine because they didn't say any would be there, and even if there was to be, you'd avoid it - you're underage and it seems gross anyways. So you show up and you're friend's happy to see you and glad you came. You're given what looks and smells like punch. You drink some and it seems to taste a bit off, but you think maybe it's a different way than you make it. You keep drinking. 2 hours later you're puking it up in the bathroom. You'd immediately ask your friend why they gave you alcohol. As you leave the bathroom, you are just in time to discover the police have showed up. You get charged for drinking underage. You plead with the cops but they don't listen - until your friend admits they spiked the punch as a joke. See? Stormy seas - being charged - to nothing - your friend fessed up. You did nothing wrong, but almost got caught in hot water because your friend didn't but didn't tell you. Now, would you ever wanna' be the one to do that to someone? Not necessarily spike punch, of course, but anything. Gossip to them? Suddenly they know things they shouldn't and accidentally let it slip and get in trouble for it. Talk to them about the steamy romance movie you watched? Well, for all you know they struggle with temptation and you just pushed them so far they broke their clean streak. Lie to them? Guess who's gonna' end up hurt, now, and not being able to trust as well? Your friend. Now, we don't want to do it to friends, but why not strangers? 1) (less important but yeah) all friends were strangers once and 2) We are ALL God's children and ALL equal to Him - let's act like it. Love your neighbour as yourself. Don't drag them into something that should be between you and God alone.

That will be all! God bless! Shalom!

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