Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 22nd

June 22nd -- John 4:43-54 (

Please go and read the passage!

I really love this passage. I think sometimes we need to realize that all we need is faith. This man was obviously quite a ways away from where he found Jesus. It suggests that if he met his servants after a day and a half, it was a three day journey, meaning the son was a pretty big distance from Jesus. Yet, the son was still healed as Jesus said he would be. Now, the son was not healed because Jesus said he would live. The distance did not matter. All that mattered was that this man heard Jesus tell him that the son would live and had enough faith to turn around and start home, even though if he had gotten home and the son had not been healed, the son would die for sure. The man still turned around and started home. Why? He had faith. He had faith that his son would live, as Jesus had said. This momentary faith brought him and his whole house to believe in Jesus/God. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus talks about faith the size of a mustard seed being able to move mountains. Now, I bring that up only because I want to emphasize just how important and also powerful faith is. I also want to point out that sometimes you just need to put a bit of faith into God, and He will lead you to give it all, as He will never let you down. This is what the man did - though he did not believe, he had faith in Jesus' words, and this led him to faith later when his faith in Jesus' promise was rewarded. So yeah, having faith is hard, but when we invest it in God, we get so much more back than what we ever could have hoped to give. Take the leap of faith. Go all out. Really, truly put some faith into God's promises (they're basically all found in the Bible) - He won't let you down.

That's all for today! God bless! Shalom!

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