Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10th

March 10th -- Judges 13 (

The birth of Samson.

The Israelites yet again begin sinning, so God gives them over this time to the Philistines, and for forty years. In that time there was a man with a wife who could not become pregnant, but an angel visited her and said she would be. However, the angel said she had to be careful not to drink alcohol or eat any forbidden foods, and that her son, as he grew, musr never have his hair cut, because he will be dedicated from birth to God as a Nazirite. She goes and tells her husband, who prays that the man (was actually an angel) would come back and give them more instructions. The next day the wife comes running and says he's back. The man repeats the instructions. Then after refusing food, Manoah (the husband) and his wife make a sacrifice to God. The angel doesn't appear again, but Manoah realizes it was an angel, and thinks they will die for having seen the face of God. His wife reassures him that God would not kill them if He had accepted their offering.  When her son was born she called him Samson, and God blessed him as he grew. The Lord's spirit began to stir in him.

I really don't have much to say for this story... it's cool to know of another instance where an angel appears to a couple who can't have children and says they will have a child. I like those stories - they're happy. ☺ Also, I find it interesting that every time people see an angel they fear they will die. Personally I'd figure you'd start to wonder why would God send an angel to you if He loves you and knows you'd die for seeing it? He wouldn't, so you're not gonna' drop dead for seeing it. He sends those because we really CAN'T look upon Him or we WOULD die.

Well, that shall be all! God bless! Shalom!

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