Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18th

March 18th -- Ruth 4 (

Boaz marries Ruth.

Like Boaz said, he had to approach the first "family redeemer" before he could marry Ruth rightfully. So, he goes and waits at the gates to the town. Boaz calls over the family redeemer when he comes, and ten elders to be witnesses. Boaz explains Naomi is selling the land, and the man says he will redeem it. Boaz then explains, though, that if he takes the land he also has to marry Ruth. The man changes his mind, telling Boaz to take the land. So, as is custom to show the transfer of a right of purchase to land, the man takes off one sandal and gives it to Boaz. Boaz turns to the elders and says they are witnesses of this transaction. The people gathered basically ask that he be blessed by Ruth.

So Ruth and Boaz get married. God allows Ruth to become pregnant, and she has a son. Everyone is very happy because her line can now be passed on. The son is named Obed. He becomes the father of Jesse and grandfather of David (as in the well-known King David).

I again find the customs interesting. I don't see why the woman came with the land. That almost bothers me a bit because, well, it was like she was property. If the family redeemer had taken the land, Ruth would have been forced to marry him and could not have married Boaz.... which would have been sad. I guess we've just changed so much even in day-to-day values from back in Biblical times.

Well, that's all. Not much I can say for this one.... God bless! Shalom!

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