Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31st

March 31st -- 1 Samuel 24 (

David spares Saul's life

Saul's on his way back from fighting some Philistines when he catches word of the location of David, being that he was seen in the En-Gedi. Saul gets 3,000 elite troops and goes off looking. So on their travels, Saul goes off on his own into a cave briefly for a quick pit stop. It just happens to be the cave where David and his men are hiding. David's men say this is God giving Saul over to him, so David goes out, but instead of killing Saul, he only cuts off a piece of his robe. His conscience begins to bother him for it, though. He realizes it is ungodly to kill Saul, so he refuse to, and also restrains his men so they do not.

Saul goes on his way, but David comes out and says "My lord the king!" Saul sees him, and he bows, then asks why he believes the people saying he is trying to harm him. He shows him the piece of robe, saying what happened and explains he could have killed him, but did not. He tells Saul he will never kill him. Saul realizes David's kindness and asks that God reward him for that kindness. He makes David promise never to destroy him or his family line, then goes home. David goes back with his men to their stronghold.

I think David in this section is a lovely example of controlling one's temper and own motivations/desires in order to do the right, godly thing. He could have EASILY killed Saul, who was out trying to kill him, ironically. Instead, though, he went out to Saul and explained what was going on. He talked to Saul, saying the people who said he was trying to cause Saul harm were wrong, as he was loyal to his king because God had decided him to be, and would follow who God chose to be king. David knew that was the right thing to do by God, so that's what he did. The next time we get mad and have a chance at "revenge", we need to think back to David. Instead of trying to get what we want, and our way, we need to try and truly follow God's will in all situations. It is always tempting to do things our way, but it's always better to do them God's way. This situation shows that, too, as nobody dies and instead they work out their differences and part with no bitterness against each other.

Well, that will be all! God bless! Shalom!

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