Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24th

March 24th -- 1 Samuel 10 (

Samuel anoints Saul as king ; Samuel's signs are fulfilled ; Saul is acclaimed king

So Samuel takes oil and and pours it on Saul's head, then kisses his head and explains that he is doing this because God has decided Saul will be king of Israel. Samuel says when Saul leaves, he'll find two men who found the missing donkeys, and are now asking after Saul because his father is worried. Samuel tells Saul he will meet some people going to worship (he also says what they will have) and that they will offer him two of their three loaves, and Saul is to take them. He will then come upon people playing music and prophesying, and the spirit of the Lord will come upon him and he will also prophesy. After these signs all happen, he will be a different person (metaphorically) and must wait at Gilgal seven days for Samuel so they may worship together.

These things all happen, just as Samuel had said they would. Samuel then goes to the place of worship, and his uncle is there. His uncle asks where Saul was, and Saul explains he went to look for the donkeys, turning to Samuel for help. When Saul asks what Samuel said, Saul only told him about the donkeys being found, but not about the kingdom.

Later on, Samuel calls everyone together, and explains what God has been saying. After all are brought forth, Saul is chosen, but he is missing! God speaks and says he is hiding in the bags, and they find him. Samuel tells all the people this was their king, and explained to all the people a king's duties before sending them home. When Saul goes home, he has a fan group (basically) follow him, but some people complaining, too, asking how he could ever save them.

I'm kind of curious as to why Samuel needed to give Saul all those signs. He clearly knew those things would happen, but why did Saul need to know? Maybe it was a matter of making Saul believe it was the truth that he would be king? I don't know...

Sorry that's not much, but I've had an off day.... so that will be all. God bless! Shalom!

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