Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22nd

March 22nd -- 1 Samuel 8:6-22 (

Samuel doesn't like that Israel is asking for a king, so he brings it to God. God tells him to do as they wish, but warn them first. Samuel passes on a long warning, saying terrible things (such as that people will be forced into his army, forced to work his land, he will take 1/10 their grain for his officers, he'll take some of their slaves and cattle, and they will be his slaves), and ending with saying that when those things happen, they'll be begging for relief from the king they asked for. The people still insist they want a king, and he will lead them into battle, they say. So Samuel - at God's say-so - agrees that he will appoint them a king.

I kind of understand Israel's side of things, but I don't get why they won't just listen to Samuel. I mean, they KNOW he is a prophet and accurate at it, so why don't they take his warning to heed? I don't know... it just seems like they should have listened...

That'll be all. God bless! Shalom!

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