Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23rd

March 23rd -- 1 Samuel 9:1-21 (

Saul meets Samuel.

So there is a man in a place called Kish, who is very wealthy and sort of "famous" in the area for it. He has a son named Saul, who was said to be the most handsome man in Israel at the time. So one day the donkeys of Kish get out. Saul is sent, along with a servant, to find them. They go a long ways and have still not found them, so Saul suggests returning. However, the servant says there is a great man of God nearby who may be able to help, as he is known for speaking things that come true/will come true. Saul says they have nothing to offer, but the servant says he has one silver piece, so it's worth a shot. They are pointed along to his house by some women.

The day before, God had told Samuel he would send, tomorrow, the man to be appointed king. This day, then (the tomorrow God spoke of), Saul arrives. When Samuel sees him, God tells him that is the man. Saul approaches Samuel asking where the seer's house is, and Samuel explains he is the seer. He then asks Saul to come up and worship with him, for the donkeys were found, and Saul and his family are the focus of Israel's hope. Saul explains that he is of the least important family of the smallest tribe (Benjamin) in Israel, and asks why Samuel is speaking to him how he is (as if to someone in great power, I think).

I think this is just a great example of how God works together all the little details for His bigger, perfect plan. He tells Samuel the man will arrive the next day, then the donkeys just happen to get loose. It just happens to be Saul sent to search. They just happen to wind up near Samuel's and the servant just happens to know of Samuel. The donkeys were found anyways, and Saul found Samuel, so God could tell Samuel Saul was to be king. God knit together all these little details that many people would credit to chance, and He used them all for His plan to work out how I was meant to. I love those clear examples of this in the Bible. Even bad circumstances (donkeys getting away, in this case) can lead to incredible things (finding the man who will then appoint him king, in this case). Keep that in mind the next time all sorts of little (or even big) things are going wrong. While those things may be going wrong, it's all so something far bigger in God's plan can go right!

That's all. God bless! Shalom!

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