Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17th

March 17th -- Ruth 3 (

Ruth at the Threshing Floor.

So one day, Naomi tells Ruth that Ruth should find a new permanent home. She says that Boaz is a close relative and kind man, so Ruth should do as she says. Naomi instructs her to take a bath, put on perfume, and dress up nicely. Go to the thresing floor but don't et Boaz see her until he has eaten and drank. See where he lies down, and when he does go uncover his feet, and he will then say what to do. Ruth says she will do as Naomi says, and does so.

When Boaz lays down and falls asleep, Ruth uncovers his feet and lays there. Boaz wakes up in the middle of the night and asks who she is, she tells him. He is surprised but quite glad. He says, though, the right thing is to take her to her one closer male relative, first, and if he will not marry her, Boaz gladly will. Ruth goes back to sleep at his feet. When they get up, Boaz creates a cover story for her being there, so they would not be suspected of having done wrong by God (as they did not). So Ruth goes back to Naomi, who asks what happened, and Ruth tells her. Naomi says Boaz will work everything out before the day is over.

Now, I admit reading this as a teenager, no longer as a kid, this makes very little sense to me. I don't understand why there were rules on who one could and could not marry... I don't get why Boaz couldn't have just married Ruth, because he is the one she went to. Also, I don't get why you had to marry kin, anyways. I mean, nowadays that's considered creepy (or illegal to a certain degree of blood relation). Mind you, I think really she could have been marrying for love. Love is an action and choice, not so much a feeling. Boaz was certainly loving her. They had God and love.... that's all a lasting relationship really needs. So this story doesn't make much sense to me... but maybe it also shows when it comes to love, God has a plan, but He doesn't necessarily make it clear to us. Sometimes we have to just wait and trust and listen and obey.

Well, that shall be all, I think. God bless! Shalom!

Girls, keep waiting for your Boaz. Guys, when God brings you to your Ruth, thank Him.

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