Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 17th

August 17thLuke 16:19-31

Please go read this passage!

This whole passage is just interesting. I mean, imagine you went to Hell - you'd want to warn those you loved not to make the same mistake, right? Here's the thing - they've already been warned. Really, even if they have never sat in church, they've still got plenty of reason to believe in God. So many passages talk about the heavens and earth declaring God's greatness and praising Him.  They do, folks. They really do. So if they can not believe all the evidence around them, why should they any more believe a ghost? Additionally, I think it's also a matter of Jesus wanting believers to believe because they wanted to, not because they were frightened into it. A ghost would be just frightening them into it. Basically, there is no excuse for the ignorance of God. So, do all you can to save those you love now as you cannot later.

That’s all! God bless! Shalom!

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