Go read the passage, please!
This first parable, about the weeds, is actually
really neat. Imagine that the Christians in the world are wheat, and the
non-Christians are weeds. Now, when we are just starting out, and things are
going well, we look fairly similar. We look close enough at first glance that
we could be easily confused. Now, Judgement Day, then, would be the harvest. God
has to leave unbelievers here now so as to not ‘uproot’ the believers, but on
Judgement Day, God will sort out the ‘weeds’ from the ‘wheat’ (or the
non-believers from the believers).
(Note, study Bibles will probably have this note for this parable. I
used mine to help me figure out what it meant). The explanation for this
passage is actually found in verses 36-43.
The mustard seed parable is also really neat. I
think sometimes we forget that sometimes it’s one little moment in people’s
lives that can change it; one small thing that brings them into relationship
with God. It may be one small thing, like a mustard seed is just a small thing,
but like a mustard seed will become more than the other, larger seeds, the
results of this coming into relationship with God will grow into more than
could be found seeking anything else (other religions, wealth, popularity, etc).
Then there’s the parable of the yeast. Yeast takes
just a tiny bit to grow and sort of take over whatever it is in. It only takes
a little of God to destroy a lot of darkness. We only need a little faith to do
a lot of big things. It only takes a few hard workers for His Kingdom to make a
huge difference. Like, yeast, we can grow and spread – we just have to make the
choice to.
Well, that shall be all! God bless! Shalom!
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