Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 26th

July 16th -- Matthew 18:10-22 (

Go read the passage, please!

I really love the parable about looking down on people. Basically all he's really trying to say by it is that we are ALL important, each and every one. His loss of any of us troubles Him greatly even if He were to keep all the rest. So we are all exceptionally precious in His sight.

I find this way of confronting a sinning believer interesting. Jesus doesn't say "If it doesn't work, let it alone and don't meddle because it's a private affair." He instead tells us to bring along a few others to see if they will listen to us all. Then he says if that doesn't work, still don't drop it but bring it to your church. If they won't listen to your church, then you may drop it, but treat the person as a pagan. It seems harsh, but we are actually called to do that. However, we need ot do it out of love to bring them back to God and reconcile them with Him - NOT out of a desire to try and be 'better' in any way.

Also, a quick note that was in my Bible on verses 19-20 and then 21-22. In 19-20 it means that whenever two or more believers come together to accomplish God's will it will be done - NOT that any 2 or more believers can come together and ask whatever they want and get it. Also, the seventy times seven for forgiving doesn't mean literally seventy times seven - back then that would have been basically impossible to keep track of (it still would be today, too, really) so Jesus was just saying in his own way to not bother keeping track but always forgive.

That's all! God bless! Shalom!

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