Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 4th

July 4th – Matthew 7:13-29

Go read the passage, please!

This whole passage overall is sort of talking about obeying God’s laws and getting into the Kingdom of Heaven. Basically, they go hand in hand. In order to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, we have to make sure we are following God’s laws. Jesus goes so far as to say that those who do many things in his name will not be known to him on judgment day. He points out how important it is that we be trying to follow God’s laws.  Now, this ties in with the fruit trees comparison. If people are like fruit trees, our actions, words, and very lives, actually, should reflect what we believe. If we are trying to be lights for God, our life should be evidence of that. If our lives don’t look like we’re trying to live for Him, or especially if they look like we’re intentionally going against Him, we probably are. We need to ensure that our life’s fruit is good. Sure, every good bunch has a few bad apples – we’ll all sin at least a few times in our lives – but a tree that’s a good tree produces almost entirely good fruit. Christians who are really following God’s laws should be like that – there will be mistakes, but their lives should reflect their effort to live for God. When we are living our lives like this, we are building up solid foundations beneath ourselves. Those who don’t are like people who build on sand – when rain comes, it washes away. All those who have built on the word of God, though, have built on rock, and their houses will stand strong. Basically, Jesus is reminding us of how important it is to listen to God’s laws and his (as in Jesus’) teachings. If we don’t, we may just be giving up our pass into the Kingdom of Heaven.


That shall be all! God bless! Shalom!

P.S. This is late because I've been typing up the posts but forgetting to post them because my internet is funny sometimes.

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