July 16th -- Mark 6:14-29 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark%206:14-29&version=NLT)
Please go read!
So, uhm, well, this is about the death of John the Baptist. I'll be honest, I have no idea what else I can say about it other than what's in the passage. I guess maybe just a reminder to guard your tongue. Herod let his get away for a brief moment, causing him to promise Herodias anything. Because of that, John died. The devil is always plotting and always waiting to get at us. He won't pass up opportunities. If we give him a chance - even by accident - he will dig in to use that chance as best he can to keep God's plans for us from coming to fruition. Not only will it interfere with God's plans for us, but it can interfere in the lives of others. John died because Herod had a slip of the tongue - not through any fault of his own. Basically, just guard your tongue. Also be wary of where your loyalty lies. Herod made this promise because he was pleased by a dance that Herodias performed. Now, I feel it's probably safe to assume the dance was somewhat sensual, which is why the men found it pleasing. Even, though, if it were just a nice dance, it was still something to please earthly wishes. It was something to please flesh not the Holy Spirit in us. Herod was not a follower of God, but he was giving in to earthly desires. Even as followers of God, we often can. Words spoken out of a wrong motive are far more likely to bring harm than those spoken out of a right motive. So be wary of your tongue and cautious of the words it speaks. Sometimes life really can be on the line, in both a literal and metaphorical sense.
That will be all! God bless! Shalom!
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