Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15th

July 15th -- Matthew 10:16-42 (

Please go and read the passage!

This passage.... just... wow. It makes you think. A lot. It's sort of encouraging but also really scary at the same time. We're sheep with wolves, folks. We're not meant to cause damage, but that also means we'll end up taking it. Yet, we're also well taken care of. A sparrow can't fall without God knowing, and we're far more valuable than sparrows, so He knows all that happens to us. But we WILL face trials, as we are meant to. We have to come out of it all loving God over everything. This includes family. God > ALL. He says if we do not love Him more than anyone else, we are not worthy of being His. THAT is a frightening concept.  He says if we cling to our life we shall lose it, but only save it by giving it up. I mean, I feel this is the general laying down of the idea of what Christianity is and what a relationship with God needs to be. I won't say more on it, only because I feel that what stands out is a personal thing, and you all need to choose for your selves. However, just notice that this is how Jesus is preparing his disciples for persecution. Well, we're his modern disciples. We need preparation, too. If you're feeling down because you are facing persecution, just look at this passage - God has it all under control, and not one second of persecution will be for nothing.

Well, that shall be all! God bless! Shalom!

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