July 23rd -- Luke 9:28-45 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%209:28-45&version=NLT)
Please go read the passage!
Just gonna' narrow into one small part of the section about the transfiguration. Verse 35 - " 'This is my son, my Chosen One. Listen to him.' ". Notice the last three words. Listen. To. Him. I think we so often overlook it. What God's saying here is basically that Jesus is our guideline. He's the final say. He's got the final word. Often, we go to other people for advice. We talk to our parents, or our siblings, or our friends. Sometimes people visit therapists, psychologists, counsellors, or even intervention groups. The point is, we all go looking for advice and answers from various places throughout our lives. Oftentimes, if we get it, unless we totally disagree, we'll take it. However, we can often so quickly forget to check it against what God says. He's the guideline - so long as we're following him, we're all good. It's so exceptionally easy to just follow the crowd. It's easy to say "they said I should, so I did". Really, though, that's how sin got into this world in the first place. If it caused that then, why on earth would it be a good idea now? Most of the time, the crowd is going against God and what He says. Seldom does it follow Him, and even more seldom does it promote Him. We weren't made to follow. We were made to lead. Lead people to Christ. We can't lead by following. We need to get out from the many "crowds" we follow (all the mindsets, advice tracks, whatever you wanna' call them) and get back to God's guidelines. Those other tracks all lead to dead ends and destruction, but God's will get you to a beautiful destination, even if it may have a bumpier ride.
Well, that's all for today! God bless! Shalom!
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