July 11th -- Matthew 13:44-52 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2013:44-52&version=NLT)
Please go read the passage!
Parable of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl: In both situations, these men get rid of all else they have just to have these treasures. We need to see the Kingdom of Heaven as such. It should be first over all else in our lives. We should be willing to lose all else to gain it.
Parable of the Fishing Net: This parable reminds me of the parable of the weeds. In a net of fish there will be good and bad fish. In the world there is good and bad. When the net is pulled in it all comes up, but it is sorted and only the good is kept. On Judgment day, we will be sorted, and only the followers of God will be kept.
Sorry that's not a lot. It was a short passage. God bless! Shalom!
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