Sunday, July 14, 2013


July 14th – Mark 6:1-13 (
Go read the passage, please!
Jesus sent out his disciples to cast out demons. He also told them not to bring anything but a walking stick wherever they went. Now, I’ve never been to a desert, but I know they are hot. I’ve never walked through one, but I know it is exhausting. Imagine doing it all without food and water. Sounds crazy, right? Well, I bet the disciples probably thought so, too. I mean, they were being told to go without any supplies, walk through desert to towns, and when they arrived, perform miracles and cast out demons. They did it, though. Why? They had faith. They knew Jesus meant it if he said it, so he must mean it. They had faith so they could do all those things (traveling and surviving with supplies, miracles, casting out demons, etc). The people of Nazareth didn’t have faith, so Jesus did not do more than a few minor miracles. Faith and doubt. We see a clear contrast. It’s just incredible to see what a difference it will make. Doubt will hold God back sometimes from working, but faith will allow Him to do great things for His Kingdom through us if we will let Him. So make sure you’re having faith, and not doubting, because doubt can and will lead to our own fall.
That’s all! God bless! Shalom!

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