Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24th

July 24th -- Matthew 17:24-18:6 (

Please go and read the passage!

Skipping the fish thing - just looking at the part about being childlike. Now, this is not childish but childlike. There's a difference. Childish would imply being immature, easily upset, hard to control, etc. Childlike has a very different meaning. In the case Jesus means it, it probably means something along the lines of a few things. One would be being humble. The disciples were becoming prideful, trying to see if they would be greatest in Heaven for their position as Jesus' disciples, so Jesus was reminding them to be humble. Children are also good at being honest and sincere. If they speak it, they pretty often mean it, and whatever's on their mind often comes out their mouth - they don't have hidden agendas or motives. The disciples were asking out of a struggle with a desire for power/status. Jesus wanted them to abandon those motives. However, children are many more things we need to model better. They are easily accepting of what they are told they should believe. In general, we have to make sure we measure everything against God, but when it comes to faith, we need to accept it like a child - whole-heartedly and without question. Children are dependant and rely on those they know they need - we need to recognize our need for God and be dependant on Him, knowing we can't do it on our own. Children are also enthusiastic and eager to share. We could all stand to be a little more enthusiastic about our faith and a lot more willing to share it at times. We need to be more childlike.

That's all! God bless! Shalom!

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