Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3rd

July 4th -- Matthew 7:1-12 (

Please go read the passage!

So, I'm gonna' just sum up two topics into one and then keep the other to itself.

1) Judging/The Golden Rule : We are told not to judge others. In fact, we are told that we will be judged as we have judged. Then there's the whole speck and plank metaphor. It makes me think of the saying that the traits we see as glaringly negative in others tend to be some of the most glaring ones in ourselves. What Jesus is trying to say with the speck/plank metaphor is that we need to be wary of our own flaws, since it is hypocritical to ignore that we struggle with something if we are pointing out that struggle in someone else. Basically, Jesus is saying we need to deal with our sin before we can even begin to be a proper help to help another deal with it. Now, also, verse 6 seems like it doesn't fit in. In a way, it does. It talks about dealing with a speck in another's eye, then about not "throwing pearls before swine". Yet another metaphor. I think what Jesus is saying here is that we can give people all the truth about the sin that we want, but if they don't want to accept it, it is a waste because they will simply take it and rip it apart and refuse to accept it. They will then also become angry at your for it. So I think he's saying if you have told someone the truth about their "speck", and they have not accepted it, then you need to carry on instead of wasting more of it on them. Basically, follow the golden rule: "Treat others how you want to be treated" That's basically the second commandment: "Love your neighbour as yourself".

2) Ask, Seek, Knock : I think sometimes we get the idea that we get to just sit back and do nothing, letting God just give us what we want. We somehow start thinking that God's our magic genie in a way. He's not. We are told to ask, seek, and knock. We need to put in some effort on our ends. We have to try. We have to actually show God "Look! I'm trying! I'm asking! I'm seeking! I'm knocking!". Now, why do we bother? Simply because of the promise that comes with it. All who ask receive, all who seek find, and all who knock will have the door opened to them. When we need something we should ask God. That can be something as small as some peace of mind about a situation we're in, or that can be something as big as healing. When we need something, we need to actually look for it though. If you lost your phone, and wanted it back, you wouldn't just wait for it to turn up or someone else to give it back to you - you'd go on your own and look everywhere to find it. God promises us that when we seek, if we are really, truly seeking, we will find. Now, if you want in to somewhere, you knock at the door. You don't just stand around on the porch hoping they'll eventually notice and come let you in. You actually knock (or ring the doorbell) so they're aware you're there and can let you in. Now, we don't "knock" on God's door. However, we do approach Him. This can be in prayer, in worship, or even in studying His word. When we approach Him, though, we are promised that we will not be turned away - instead, the door will be opened. I love these promises. Also, though, just remember that above all these promises hangs the truth that God's will is what will be done in the end (as in you may be asking for something that you're not getting, but then He is withholding it for a reason). Just rely on Him and always be asking, seeking, and knocking, so that you may always be receiving, finding, and having doors opened to you.

That will be all for today's post, folks! God bless! Shalom!

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