Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24th

January 24th -- Genesis 41:1-36 (

Joseph interprets Pharoah's dreams.

So Pharoah has these two dreams, basically in both, there are seven healthy cows in the first and wheat in the second. Then seven unhealthy cows/wheat come along and eat/destroy the other. When he wakes up he's upset over them. He calls for all the magicians and wise-men but none of them knew what the dreams meant. Then the cup-bearer steps up and mentions Joseph.

So Pharoah summons for Joseph, who agrees to see if God will allow him to tell Pharoah the meaning of the dreams. Pharoah tells Joseph about them. Joseph explains the seven healthy cows/wheat stalks represent seven good years and the unhealthy seven cows/wheat stalkes represent seven years of famine.

Nor only does Joseph know what they means, but he knows that because Pharoah dreamed the same thing twice God has said it WILL happen. He the also tells Pharoah exactly what to do - store the food from the good years so they have food in those of famine.

Again, not much to expand on, but I do find the whole dream-interpreting thing neat....
So, yeah....
God bless!

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