Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27th

January 27th -- Genesis 43 (

Joseph's brothers return to Egypt.

So when they run out grain from the first trip to Egypt, Jacob tells his sons to go back for more. However, they remind him they aren't supposed to go back without Benjamin. They finally convince Jacob to let Benjamin go.

Jacob, however, sends them with gifts. He also sends them with the payment for the grain of this time as well as what they found in their bags last time. My study Bible has a note on this explaining that Jacob was extremely honest and thought it was important to properly pay for whatever they bought - he did not want to be in any way dishonest.

When they turn up in Egypt, Joseph says they will feast with him. The brothers were actually afraid to be going into Joseph's house. They thought he was going to accuse them of stealing the money from last time and then turn them into slaves. They appraoch the manager of Joseph's house about it and he tells them not to worry as it must have been a gift from God because he recieved the payment he was due.

So when Joseph returns for their feast, the brothers give him the gifts and money. Then Joseph asks about Benjamin, and when he discovers that he is well, he cries because, I assume, he is just really happy to see that his brother is okay.

Then they have a feast, where Joseph spoils Benjamin.

I really can't think of what else to say... so that'll be all for today.

God bless!

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