Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9th

January 9th -- Genesis 12:1-9 and 17:1-8 ( and

As I told you guys  yesterday, today's about Abram/Abraham. :)

I think Abraham is also another commonly reffered to person in the Bible - more so than we would think from Sunday School and such.
I think Abraham to me, personally, is one of the more interesting characters/stories in the Bible. I think I say this only because, before Abram is suddenly called in chapter 12, we hardly hear any mention of him. He just sort of turns up when God's telling him where to go and he goes there. Then we know he was 75 when he left and he was pretty rich and took it all along. Yet, God comes along and says "I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”  My question is, why Abram? Was there something about him that made him so unique? Or was the point that he was just normal and God likes to make the "ordinary" into the "extraoardinary"?

Also, can I just say Abraham, like Noah, is one of those guys whose faith I just admire incredibly? God tells him to just up and move (into basically enemy territory no less), and he does it no questions asked. He doesn't sit down and go "but God it's comfortable here, why should I leave? What does it matter if I stay or go? Can't I stay?", but instead went "Okay, God, I trust you", then packed up and went. It wasn't even like a short plane trip like we could make nowadays, but it was probably years of long and harsh travelling. So I quite admire him for that and wish I were always so unhesitant and eager as to just jump up and do as God told me the moment He tells me to do it.

That's all I can think of for tonight!
God bless you!

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